Frequently Asked Questions
When will the voucher be available to redeem?
The Voucher will be available for use immediately from the date of purchase.
How do I redeem the voucher?
A QR code will be send to your email after you purchase the voucher from our website along with links of our partners websites were you can redeem vouchers. This code can be used according to each partnering website terms and conditions.
How do I keep my voucher safe?
You must:
(a) treat the Voucher as if it were cash;
(b) take all reasonable care and precaution in the custody of the Voucher and keep your Voucher safe;
(c) keep your transaction receipts safe and dispose of them carefully; and
(d) never give your Voucher number or any other Voucher information to anyone unless you know who they are and why they need such information.
What types of services can I redeem my voucher on?
You can redeem your voucher on industries as:
Entertainment Industry
Gaming Industry
Cryptocurrencies Industry
Are my funds protected?
For your protection, the money that you have on your voucher is backed by money kept by us in a separate safeguarded bank account. This money is held separately and is only available for the purposes of giving you back your money on your request.
Does the voucher expires?
Your Voucher expires after 5 years from the purchase date.
Spend & Balance
How do I spend the vouchers amount?
We will debit the amount of the Voucher on your email QR code, at the time that the Voucher Transaction takes place. You must not use the Voucher to spend more than the Voucher balance at any time. If you attempt to spend more than the Voucher balance, you will be charged the additional amount accordingly and you will be required to pay the difference by another means.
How can I check my voucher’s balance?
You can view your voucher’s balance or obtain information about previous Voucher Transactions by contacting us

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